The Team
Najiya (elle/she) Coordinatrice des opérations et du développement organisationnel / Operations and organizational development coordinator
Jacinthe (elle/she) Coordonnatrice du volet formation et sensibilisation/ Training & Awareness Coordinator
Tanya (elle/she) Coordinatrice de l'aide directe / Direct Help Services Coordinator
Klaudette (elle/she) Intervenante psychosociale / Psychosocial Counsellor
Aeme (iel/accords (they/them) Intervenant.e psychosocial.e / Psychosocial Counsellor
Fatima Azzahra (elle/she) Intervenante psychosociale / Psychosocial Counsellor
Thais (elle/she) Intervenante psychosociale / Psychosocial Counsellor
Sarah Amina (elle/she) Intervenante psychosocial / Psychosocial Counsellor
Zev (il/he/they) Intervenant psychosocial / Psychosocial Counsellor
Kim (elle/she) Intervenante psychosociale / Psychosocial Counsellor
Noah (elle/they/them) Coordination de la Transformation et de l'Implication Sociale / Transformation and Social Implication Coordinator
Joanie-Audrey (elle/she) Stagiaire en sexologie / Sexology Intern