With Open Arms: Including trans, Two-Spirit & non-binary people
Since 2023, the West Island CALACS has opened its services to all trans, Two-spirit and non-binary people. We are committed to making our organization a safe and supportive environment for these communities.

Terms and definitions
Why include trans, Two-spirit and non-binary people in our services?
With Open Arms Project
Terms and Definitions
A few definitions before we begin, to allow us to better understand the situation and the issues involved!
SEX is the identification attributed to people at birth based on physical and physiological characteristics, hormone levels and the anatomy of the reproductive system, among other things. For example: male, female or intersex!
GENDER refers rather to how people perceive and feel about themselves: it is a social identity, a self-expression or a relationship with their body and with others. It is also a social construct that surrounds the different roles and attributes associated with masculinity and femininity. Everyone has a gender identity: for some people it corresponds to the gender assigned at birth, and for others it does not. Gender is not binary and is rather on a spectrum!
TRANS is a term used to refer to people whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. This can include non-binary people! For example: A trans woman, a trans man
CIS is a term for a person whose gender identity matches that assigned at birth. For example: a cis woman, a cis man
NON-BINARY is a term used by people who have a gender identity that does not fit the male/female binary model. The term itself includes several identities: neither male nor female, somewhere in between, a combination of genders, no gender, etc. They also often identify as trans.
The Two-spirit identity is claimed by some Indigenous people! Diane Labelle, Mohawk Two-Spirit activist and consultant explains:
“In most [Indigenous] nations, prior to colonization, Two-Spiritedness was considered an alternative and distinct gender. It was therefore a third or fourth (or more) gender, depending on the terms used. Two-spirit people often occupied specialized roles, or filled essential roles in communities. These individuals were distinguished by their unique clothing choices, which Europeans have mistaken for “transvestism”. Some people view Two-Spirit identities as gender identities rather than sexual orientations. Although Two-Spirit people often engage in non-heterosexual relationships, they can also engage in heterosexual relationships. In contrast to contemporary LGBT+ identities of Indigenous people, Two-Spirit people are often in spiritual or healing roles (doctor, psychologist, keeper of ceremonies or traditions, etc.). The manifestation of their identity can occur at any point in their lives, and as A. Maracle has written, “A person is free to adopt another gender role at a time when he or she feels it is appropriate. “To me, Two-Spiritedness is an intersection of gender, sexuality, and social roles.”
Why include trans, Two-spirit and non-binary people in our services?
Historically, CALACS, like most feminist organizations in Quebec, were offered exclusively by and for women in order to create safe spaces of empowerment. Yet this practice itself participates in the exclusion of people at the intersection of other marginalized identities. Trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit people all live with the consequences of marginalization related to their gender, including an increased risk of experiencing sexual violence. Indeed, one in two trans people have reportedly experienced a sexual assault in their lives. [1]
However, there are no specific services available in Quebec for victims of these communities. Instead, they report a serious risk of discrimination in support services, which tend to be reserved for cis women, lack resources to accommodate them and thus offer ill-adapted support or display transphobic behaviour on the part of workers and users. This is further complicated for racialized and/or Two-Spirit survivors who must also deal with the racism and colonialism inherent in the institutions and their inadequacy to their cultural needs.
This underscores the critical need to provide support for trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary survivors of sexual assault. This is what CALACS West Island has decided to step up. This opening does not change the quality or the safety of the services offered. On the contrary, they are now more inclusive and in line with our values!
[1] FORGE, 2005, Sexual Violence in the Transgender Community Survey, unpublished data; G. Kenagy, 2005, “The Health and Social Service Needs of Transgender People in Philadelphia,” International Journal of Transgenderism 8(2/3):49–56; G. Kenagy and W. Bostwick, 2005, “Health and Social Service Needs of Transgender People in Chicago,” International Journal of Transgenderism 8(2/3):57–66.
[2] Michel Dorais et Mathieu-Joel Gervais. « Documenter la problématique des violences sexuelles commises envers les personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles et trans (LGBT). » (2018)
Beginning in the fall of 2023, the Open Arms Project is a psychosocial support service for trans, Two-spirit and non-binary people offered by people in their communities.
Like our traditional services, we offer individual psychosocial follow-up, socio-judicial accompaniment, and emergency meetings in this by and for approach.
[Note that we understand that the individual aspect of certain meetings may not be in alignment with the needs and values of some Indigenous people and invite them to bring a trusted person of their choice if they wish to do so!]
As well, we will be offering a support group exclusively for trans, Two-spirit and non-binary survivors in collaboration with Interligne in the fall of 2023 and winter of 2024 – details to follow soon.
Are you a trans, Two-spirit or non-binary survivor of sexual assault in need of support? Contact us right away to access these services as soon as possible.
The Open Arms Project is the result of a year of work to ensure that our team is trained, our services are responsive and safe, and that connections with the 2S/LGBTQIA+ communities are being rebuilt. We welcome any questions, comments or partnership proposals, please contact us at