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A feminist movement, not a movement for women only

open non-mixed services to trans, non- binary and Two-Spirit people

guide & research funded by the Insitute of Gender and Health


In 2022 and 2023, the West Island CALACS conducted a research project to anchor its process of opening services, previously offered to women only, to all trans, non-binary and Two-spirit people. Our individual and group interviews with people of these communities enabled us to both inform the modalities of our services and document our learnings. The result is a guide of recommendations on transinclusion in non-mixed feminist environments, which we invite you to consult. (Unfortunately, for now only in french)

We therefore hope that our research will serve as a tool for other organizations, particularly those by and for women. While we hope that the opening of the WI CALACS will begin to make up for the lack of services for trans, non-binary and Two-spirit survivors of sexual assault, we also know that it won’t be enough to meet current needs and offer a solid, supportive feminist community network. It’s imperative that other sexual assault support services follow suit, and as quickly as possible. We invite you to contact Noah at if you have any questions.