Our complaints and feedback policy
Our complaints and feedback policy enables service users, activists and workers alike to make reports to the appropriate people. Our aim is to provide effective complaint management and to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of our services, work environment and activism.
Services users can use if they believe:
1. A worker has not respected the intervention protocol;
2. That they have not been treated with;
3. That they did not receive the service to which they were entitled;
4. That there was a lack of confidentiality;
5.That they have witnessed discriminatory comments, behaviour or attitudes;
5. Or other valid reasons;
They have 2 choices:
A complaint is a written expression of dissatisfaction or discontent related to the behaviour, comments or practices of West Island CALACS team members or activists. It cannot be formulated anonymously. The Board of Administration has 15 working days to acknowledge receipt and 60 working days to address the complaint.
A comment serves a similar purpose but can be submitted anonymously if desired. It aims to express an opinion or propose improvements without necessarily addressing a serious issue. While comments are considered important and taken into account, they do not lead to an in-depth investigation. The Board of Administration has 15 business days to provide an acknowledgment of receipt and may or may not follow up with the person who submitted it.
Our team is committed to always providing respectful, inclusive, and confidential services in alignment with our protocol. However, in cases of non-compliance, we strive to offer a secure, confidential, and flexible channel to communicate issues so that we can address them as promptly as possible.
I'm a service user who has a problem with a team member. What should I do?
If it is reasonable to do so, service users are encouraged to begin by discussing the situation with the person in question. However, if the conversation is not fruitful, safe or possible:
The individual may report the situation to the President of CALACS de l’Ouest-de-l’île, Élodie Bouchard, by email at ( or through her anonymous form (coming soon).
If the report involves the President, or if the individual prefers, they may also report the situation to the Operations and Organizational Development Coordinator, Najiya Abdul Ahmad, at ( or through her anonymous form (coming soon).
3. To ensure accessibility of the process, designated physical boxes are also available and placed in bathrooms to allow for confidentiality.
If, after these steps, the service user who filed the complaint feels that they have not received satisfactory or appropriate responses, or if they wish to be supported by an external body, they may contact the CAAP of Montreal. This organization will assist the individual throughout the process.