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The anti-oppressive policy

This policy was adopted in 2023 by the West Island CALACS and aims to create an inclusive and equitable environment that values and respects each individual – whether in the work team, staff, members, or service users – in the diversity of their identities, backgrounds and experiences.

This policy is first and foremost rooted in anti-oppressive principles. Equity, diversity and inclusion for all are impossible goals to achieve without understanding, addressing and eradicating the social inequalities perpetuated by systems of oppression. Thus, all the principles and strategies proposed in the following document are grounded in an intersectional feminist, anti-racist and decolonial approach. The effective implementation of this policy relies on a continuous process of awareness-raising, reflection and action, to act on the imbalances of power dynamics both inside and outside the organization, and to do so in an evolutionary manner. It was written in consultation with multiple experts (notably in terms of legal aspects as well as anti-racism, anti-ablesim & anti-transphobic strategies.)

With this policy, we aim to go beyond a symbolic document by establishing concrete, tangible strategies. These aim to ensure that CALACS West Island is a workplace, a place to live and a service organization whose practices actively challenge structures of oppression and their consequences.

The policy is only available in french at the moment.